Thursday, February 12, 2009

My First Step

Let me begin by saying, I am a 47 year old male, who first considered working as a flight attendant in my mid-twenties. As fate would have it, the lifestyle did not work out for me while still in my youth. I was divorced, with a young daughter, and was actively involved in her life. I simply did not have the required flexibility for a career as a flight attendant. I shelved the idea, but the desire never went away.

For the past 11 years, my sister has been a flight attendant with a regional carrier, Skywest. It was this past October, during a visit in Washington DC, that the subject came up again. I approached it rather sheepishly, thinking I'd be too old to be considered.

I was pleasantly surprised when Kim pointed out to me that my age might work to my advantage. Come to think of it, I have seen several middle age flight attendants. I gave this idea a more thought, kicked it around for awhile, and decided to give it a go.

After some research, I became aware of a regional carrier, Republic Airways. What attracted me to them is that they have a base in the city where I live. If hired, there is no guarantee I will get the base of my choice. But, I am to commute for awhile. I can always request a transfer back to Pittsburgh, that with seniority will probably be granted.

Perhaps you are wondering, "What is a regional carrier?" Please, allow me to explain: There are the mainline carriers that we are all familiar with, such as Delta or United, for example. Regional carriers exist because of mainline carriers. Most of the regional carriers operate smaller airplanes than the mainline carriers do. The mainline carriers have found it economical to enter agreements to lease airplanes that come complete with flight crews. Typically, the regional carrier own and maintain their own airplanes and hire their own personnel. The mainline carriers schedule and book the flights.

Republic Airways owns three regional airlines: Chautauqua, who flies for American, Continental, Delta, United and US Airways; Shuttle America, who flies for Delta, United and Mouklele Airlines; and Republic Airlines, who flies for US Airways Express and Midwest Airlines. You would never book a flight with Republic. The only way you would know that you were on one of their airplanes, and not the mainline carriers, is when the boarding announcement is made. You would hear something to the effect: "Welcome to US Airways Express flight 4729, your Republic connection, from Indianapolis to Washington DC." Bingo. Even though you purchased a ticket with US Airways and the side of the airplane says US Airways Express, you learned during the boarding announcement that you are really on a Republic flight. It is easy to miss this. The public, in general, is not very aware of regional carriers, though they use them everyday.

1 comment:

  1. Go for it! No matter how old you are, you can still fulfill your dream. Nothing is impossible when you put your mind into it. In fact I read an article about a man who is ballet dancing - at 88 years old! Age is not meant to limit what you can do, but being a senior citizen is to be free to do what you want. It’s the time for you to enjoy. So go for your dream to be a flight attendant!

    Sherlock Best
